This last month has been an eye opener. Not for the fact that the world has been literally, practically, physically shut down, but the number of reality checks that we all as humans have taken, and also many that we have learnt to live with. An interesting piece that struck me during the Corona Virus Pandemic, while watching the news on and off –

  • Minimal news on Rapes
  • No cases of food poisoning of children in schools
  • Reduced cases of indigestion, food poisoning, mugging, killings.
  • No cases of fires, arson, smuggling cases
  • No one is reporting stress deaths
  • No preachers
  • No cases of liquor poisoning

Probably coincidental that a lot has to do because mankind is to some extent locked up & countries are all virtually shut down. Or possibly that the #COVID19 has taken up so much space on the media, there is hardly any room for any other bad news. Or simply, there is no stomach to digest any other kind of news.

Or is this real? Yes, the schools are closed, so no kids are going to school, so no substandard meals are being provided. Children are eating at home, food cooked by their mothers, so they are not falling sick. Liquor shops are closed, so no country liquor being made available, nor is there any adulterated liquor being made. Since none made, no one is drinking this, nor is any one falling sick. Once they open, would children be provided substandard food?

We don’t hear much on rapes. Have they really stopped or they are not being reported? Or are women safer now from the mindsets of those, as they are home and the people behind these thoughts are first worried about saving their own lives? Are women safe only when men are locked down?

With restaurants closed, people are forced to eat at home.  This may not exactly be the most ideal situation for many wives, who would love to go out once in a while, but with restaurant food literally negligible, most people are eating at home. Yes, there are many who do not have this luxury, but have many benefactors, who are arranging food for them. Considering that home food is less adulterated, less number of people are falling sick, as fresh food is back in vogue. Eating outside is down, roadside unhealthy eating has stopped, long hours on the road commuting has stopped, stress levels are down. Yes, doctors are probably also not working, but chances are – no one needs them other than for their regular medication.

If all hospitals are full of COVID patients, does that mean, that the rest of the patients do not need medication or beds? Or are they falling sick, but are not going to hospitals. Or are they not falling sick? Many doctors who do not necessarily specialize in the treatment of the pandemic related issues, are at home, some even working remote.

Quite certain that the Corona Virus Pandemic is overshadowing a lot of other problems, but one cannot but wonder – are we as a society truly that sick? Are medicines and the battery of tests that people are subjected to, all part of a marketing plan to ensure that the pharma industry thrives on fear and a false sense of sickness that needs to exist for the economy to run. The pharma industry is probably losing a lot of money, with standard medicines no longer being bought just for the sake of being bought. So is the baby food industry, with people making do with stuff from home.

Time will move on, economies will pickup again – however, will people change their mindsets? Would the marketing industries have a field run and have a lot of catching up for all the losses that “businesses” have incurred? Would rapes start again? The worry probably is not limited to that, that is ‘not happening’ or has reduced. The worry is what is happening, but seemingly not happening. The illegal poaching to make more money, the illicit liquor business, as that too brings in more money and the worst of them all – the child abuse, the spousal attacks, now confined to the four walls of the homes – never out. No one will be able to factor that damage.

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