Image Copyright: Jean L. Hays

“What in God’s name is that”, I spluttered!

‘A Truck, or a Car. Looks like a Scooptruck’, came back the reply.

“Now, what the shit is a Scooptruck?” I hollered back.

‘I don’t know’, came a high toned shrill reply that rambled off into the open land beyond. ‘A truck where you scoop, pick, and drop.’

“So, I drop my crap, dig a hole, scoop it up and put it in! On my own? From beginning till the end?

As I sat down, trying to figure how the darned contraption worked, a voice whispered from within: ‘Sounds just like life’.


A 100 Word short story written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.

Image Copyright: Jean L.Hays

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